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Love Me Some Thursday

Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, Jesus said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Mark 6:31

Thursday is my day.  Well, okay.  It’s the day that I don’t HAVETO look at “the list” and do.  I can if I want.  But I won’t if I don’t.

Like today. I got the kids off to school but because the hotlunchladies plan things around my Sabbath, I don’t HAVETO decide what to put in kids’ lunches that they might, just maybe, eat.  Thanks, hotlunchladies, for your support!

Then I read some news.  Yes, I’m a news, politics, world events junkie. I read the news which I do most every day, but not without guilt.  Most days I feel rushed and sadly, false guilt, for spending a few minutes with a cup of coffee and my news sites.

And coffee.  I just brewed another pot ~ decaf, thank you! ~ to enjoy today as I plan on being home doing nothing or everything because I want to, not have to.

I get to sit on the couch and read my books.  I’m reading Made to Crave and loving it, pointing me every single moment back to what fills the hole in our hearts and souls that’s there and we work every day to try to find something that completes us. I try to read a little inspiration and Bible a day, but today, I linger. Enjoy. Rest.

Just got back from walking the dogs through a beautiful dandelion green world.  Sun on my shoulders. Taking my time. Waving at neighbors. No rush. Just, well, because I want to.

This is Sabbath to me.  I will fold laundry and make supper and probably write a few emails, take care of getting new passports for my family and registering to vote.  All those things are on my list and need done, but I don’t HAVETO.

Or maybe, I’ll just curl up with some tunes and take a long luxurious nap.  Because I need to. NOT because my list is done, oh no, it’s as long as my arm and then some.  NOT because my house is clean, oh no please don’t come over unless you’re willing to enjoy the mess with me.

We all need rest.  Are you making room for rest?  It’s a discipline I’ve yet to master but I’m learning to enjoy.  Find rest, my friends, somewhere in your day, your life, find rest.


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