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Psalm 27ing It, and How I Don’t Make Resolutions

I don’t make resolutions. Nope, not anymore. Why? Because I always screw them up, and failure in what I need to do right now is not an option. So I’ll just be Psalm27ing it for the near future, one day at a time, making the best choices I can, but not being too hard on myself for not being able to miraculously become overnight. Yet again, another day on the same journey of my life. Another day I’m grateful for. Another day I’m challenged in. And day I am choosing to start all over again, just like I did yesterday.

(and I apologize for the hanging prepositions above. It’s to the point though right? Note to self: must work on my perfectionistic tendencies especially as it comes to grammar just a little more… add that to the list.)

So here’s what Psalm 27ing it looks like:

  1. Remembering who lights my way

  2. Embracing the One who saved me

  3. Allowing His strength to consume my weakness, and hide me from danger.

  4. Remembering Who wins in the end

  5. Dwelling in Him… Abiding (John 15). Seek Him. Take time to gaze at His beauty.

  6. Shout for Joy in praise to Him for Who He is and all He Has Done.

  7. Seek His Face, and open up myself to discovering God all over again. Learn what He wants to teach me.

  8. TRUST that I will see His goodness in the here and now, no matter what comes.

Yes, I’m Psalm 27ing it. Are you in?

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