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Come Holy Spirit fall fresh on me.

In this world, even in places where the words sound the same, we don’t hear each other’s hearts. Please O Lord open our minds, our hearts to listen for Your Truth in this desperately broken world.

Make strong our hands our feet to live into the lives of those around us, to give overflowing the love you have showed us time and again, from your first #ruach over the world to the soft wind in the trees this morning.

Come Holy Spirit, we need you. Come Sweet Spirit we pray.

Spirit of the Living God, fall fresh on us. Melt us. Mold us. Fill us. Use us.

Your Pentecost is what we need. Again and again until we are able to be arms round those most different from us and feel we’ve known each other always. Come again and again until we are able to be feet walking across the way to help another whose life choices challenge us. Again Holy Spirit Come until I can speak Thy Word without hesitation or fear, that I may experience the power You have already made available to me.  Come again Lord, Guide…Direct…Make clear…Show me Your Next Steps to #DOYOURLOVE in my world.

O Your Spirit, O God, please prick my heart even more to feel the needs of those around me. Open my eyes to see, my heart to feel, my ears to listen, my mind to know what you need from me to be You to Them. And May your ever coming prevenient grace go before me always, flowing into the souls who cannot see their need yet, who don’t know they need you, who resist you.

I pray all this Lord knowing you are already at work, always moving powerfully flowing in &among all you love, tears flowing with our hurts, laughter bubbling with our joy.

We thank you O Spirit for your power that makes life in Christ possible here on earth.  That makes it possible to live out your love here.  You promise that as Your Child, with Your Spirit in me, the burden of following you, of loving you, of loving my brothers and sisters in Christ, of loving my neighbors…world…that burden will never be too much.  Thank you O Lord Christ, Holy Spirit, for that promise…

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